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Brake Services

Brake Pad Replacement and Brake Checks in Regina

Brake Checks in Regina

At Smoke ‘Em Performance & Repair we provide a full suite of services for your vehicle repair and maintenance needs, including brake checks, replacements and tuneups. Brakes are one of the most important safety systems in your vehicle, which is why it is a good idea to have them checked annually and immediately after you notice anything unusual at a certified brake shop. 

Common signs that your brakes need to be checked:

  • You hear an unusual noise when braking (squeaking or squealing)

  • Your brake pedal is less sensitive to pressure (requiring a forceful push to stop)

  • Your brake light on your dashboard comes on and stays on

  • Your vehicle in any way does not brake or stop like it should

Brake Pad Replacement

The most common issue is worn brake pads. Brake pads are designed to eventually wear down, as they rub on the brake disc to stop your car. The technicians at Smoke ‘Em can replace brake pads on any make or model of car, truck, SUV and more.

Brake Checks

At Smoke ‘Em we can perform a thorough inspection of your braking system to determine if it is functioning properly and safely. It is recommended to have your brakes checked on a regular basis to keep them running smoothly; we recommend annually or every 16,000 km. 

In our brake checks, we look at:

  • Brake fluid

  • All brake hardware including brake rotors, drums, pads and shoes

  • Brake hoses, steel lines and hydraulics

We are able to service all types of braking systems, including ABS (Anti-Lock Braking Systems).

Call or Visit our Shop Today

Whether you’ve noticed an issue with your braking system or would like us to perform a brake checkup, call us at 306-545-5911 or stop by the shop to schedule an appointment and we would be happy to help with all of your brake system needs.